Kid and older adult building

Personal Loans

Cover unexpected expenses – or create some happiness.

A Personal Loan can be a lifesaver when you need to make repairs, replace appliances or pay off a bunch of bills. And it can be a game-changer when you want to spice things up with some new electronics or a tropical vacation. Whatever your plans may be, we know that a little extra money can go a long way.

  • Competitive rates that are lower than most credit card rate
  • Get a line of credit that you can tap into again and again over a five-year period
  • Choose a closed-end loan with fixed payments for up to 84 months
  • Optional life and disability insurance are available for all Personal Loans

Personal loan rates are based on Experian/Fair Isaac Model Credit Score.

Do you want your money all at once or to borrow it as needs arise? Our friendly lending team can help you decide between a line of credit and a lump sum loan.